Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thank Therepy

So- I was all stoked on this whole "blogging" thing but somehow I failed to ever post a blog; however, I would like to do this with some consistency so here goes blog no. 1....

All the exciting break happenings are done- I am no longer counting down or preparing for any significant events; no more coffee dates, snow trips, beach trips, bike rides, people coming over, bon fires, reunions, etc. Tomorrow, I pack up, enjoy one last day at home, one final dinner with my wonderful family, and then head South the next morning. With all this happening, today I have been reflecting on some things and feeling really thankful. I remember one time hearing a sermon titled "Thank Therapy." The main point of them message was being actively aware of one's blessings and writing "Thankyou lists" on a regular basis- I'll be honest and say that I thought it was cheesy at best. But, I have to say I have started writing down the things I am thankful for and I really do see some merit to the practice. So, here is my "Thankyou List" of late:

#1. My Family
I've said it a thousand times and I'll say it again- my family is unbelievable. Truly. I cannot even say how wonderful they are. I love my parents and my siblings to much it is ridiculous. Every single one of them is more precious than I can say. I could write a book on how phenomenal they are and how much they have blessed me, so I'm just going to end end it here.

#2. My School
I have been so blessed this past semester. I went into school, having just come back from Africa, totally raw and broken and was completely surrounded by wonderful, beautiful people who love the Lord and who are now my dear friends. They give me encouragement, joy, insight, empathy, time, love, and so much more on a daily basis. I prayed that God would bring me good friends at school and He has answered that prayer in a truly amazing way.

#3. My Car/Bike
Random, I know; but, after going to Africa I see these things in a whole new way and appreciate them so much more. It is wonderful not to have to walk everywhere and not to have to ride insane public transportation where peoeple who don't know you, speak your language, or wear deoderant come and sit on your lap.

#4. Health
First of all-for my own physical health; something I fail to recognize the beauty of every day. And second of all- for a healthy environment, and, really, a healthy country. A lot of people think I am crazy because I really don't think much about germs- I'll eat/drink after anyone. But, (again) having gone to Africa, knowing that there is not fecal matter on my fruit and being able to drink without fearing that there are parasites in my water, I don't feel too concerned about eating after my little brother's friend.

#5. Grace
I am still coming to terms with this one- I'll never completely understand it. But, there is one thing I know for sure concerning it: I am ridiculously greatful for it.

These are just the highlights- the things that have been on my mind and heart lately.

1 comment:

  1. These are all lovely things to be thankful for Katie. :) I'm glad you're blogging now. Beware, it becomes addicting.
